Daily Aries Horoscope May 18 (18/05)


Mar 21 − Apr 19

Alias: Alias: The Ram

May 18


daily aries horoscope:

summary aries daily

Star 8/10

You could be surprised at and delighted with the wave of optimism finding its way into you world and it certainly isnt unjustified. However, a bubble could burst due to encountering one minor setback or obstacle that, in truth, probably doesnt deserve levels of attention youre inclined to give it. Try to see this as a sharp bump on an otherwise smooth road. Its negative influence will be brief.


summary aries tomorrow

Star 8/10

You might need to apply a combination of patience and imagination in order to accept comments coming your way from well-meaning individuals. At first, you might regard these as harsh criticisms but a closer look will reveal helpfulness and, to be honest, truth they contain. If others want to help by offering positive suggestions that can truly help or benefit you, then let them say whatever they wish. Its all intended to help you, after all.


summary aries weekly

Star 7/10

Where you might have believed your thoughts, opinions or input werent being taken seriously by certain others, events this week could bring a helpful and timely change to that. Your ability to express ideas in a creative and potentially innovative way is being heightened and this could be precisely whats needed to take a plan, project or arrangement to a very new level. You have something very worthy of contributing this week so dont be afraid to speak up.


summary aries monthly

Star 8/10

Whatever has been vague or ill-defined due to lack of communication or miscommunication becomes clearer as May unfolds. This has as much to do with what youve been telling yourself as it does what youve been trying to convey to others. New levels of understanding and agreement can be achieved and reached, whether this involves repairing a relationship or becoming clear about what your next move must be regarding an aspiration close to your heart. Tender moments on offer will make up for any tension experienced recently.


health aries daily

Star 7/10

When sleep is good, so is the rest of life, generally speaking! Every now and then we need to adjust our sleeping habits consciously so that we are insured of good rest. You may need a new bed! You may need new pillows or sheets or something warmer or something cooler. Strive to perfect your sleeping area. Everything should be as you like it. This is one area of life that should not be economized: rest is paramount.


health aries tomorrow

Star 7/10

You need to have a lot of room in which to express your desire for balance in your life. Start by getting rid of the clutter in your life. Clean out your closet, your kitchen cupboards, your bathroom cabinet. Get rid of all the excess baggage you\re carrying around. This applies to your mental and physical selves, as well. You need to feel \"free\" - whatever that means to you. Focus on letting go of dead weight - wherever you find it.


health aries weekly

Star 8/10

You digest ideas and concepts as well as food. Some may be more easily assimilated than others. If you\re taking the time to research issues associated with your well-being, go to a source you trust, one that feels right. Make sure that the next batch of ideas you consume really suits you. You\ll find it easier to incorporate them into your life.


health aries monthly

Star 7/10

If you\ve experienced ups and downs regarding your health, things can begin to look more positive from May 3. You may still benefit from taking a cautious approach during the month\s first two weeks, as certain powerful aspects could coincide with a tendency to have minor accidents. Avoid driving or working machinery if you\re feeling emotional or distracted. The Sun in nurturing Taurus can also encourage you to look after yourself and treasure the body you\ve been given. It needs proper feeding, adequate rest, and good exercise. If you can supply all of these, it will reward you.


love aries daily

Star 8/10

If you have recently become involved in a new relationship, the current planetary alignment will help you to realize what an adventure this is. You have only just begun to get to know each other, and are already excited about what you have discovered. You may be prompted to undertake a project that will combine both your skills and give you even more to look forward to.


love aries tomorrow

Star 10/10

Today\s astral configuration encourages a loved one to play a trick on you, perhaps to test just how faithful you really are when tempted to stray from the straight and narrow path. The best advice is to keep awake and alert, and to deal with anything that may seem strangely suspicious in an honorable and praiseworthy manner. Don\t be led into any traps; have the last laugh yourself.


love aries weekly

Star 10/10

When did your love life become gossip worthy? You hear things at the start of the week that you assumed would be kept private between you and an ex, which makes it fairly obvious that someone has been blabbing. Don\t make any assumptions going forward. Some unexpected emotions surface later in the week, and the longer you put off dealing with them the worse off you\ll be. Facing the truth can actually set you free.


love aries monthly

Star 7/10

All of the pressure you\ve been feeling to say exactly the right thing lifts when Mercury\s retrograde ends on May 3. Look for communications to be less strained, benefiting your love life tremendously. Mercury leaves your speedy sign for slow-moving Taurus on May 16, and while this doesn\t present the same level of problem as a retrograde, you\ll have to adapt to being more logical and careful in your communication than you\d like. The Moon passes through Aries on May 22 and May 23, and all systems are go. If a new romance doesn\t take off now, it may ever happen.


career aries daily

Star 8/10

How about implementing a new strategy in your financial life. You could be researching some investments on the Internet. You might decide to arrange money in a new way with your mutual funds. This is a good time to take stock of your financial goals and try something new.


career aries tomorrow

Star 7/10

Situations are finally turning around in your favor. Other people are seeing things through your eyes, and this is helping to create a much greater understanding between you and the people you work with. Just be yourself and the rewards will come.



Mar 21 − Apr 19

Alias: Alias: The Ram

May 18


daily aries horoscope:

summary aries daily

Star 8/10

You could be surprised at and delighted with the wave of optimism finding its way into you world and it certainly isnt unjustified. However, a bubble could burst due to encountering one minor setback or obstacle that, in truth, probably doesnt deserve levels of attention youre inclined to give it. Try to see this as a sharp bump on an otherwise smooth road. Its negative influence will be brief.


summary aries tomorrow

Star 8/10

You might need to apply a combination of patience and imagination in order to accept comments coming your way from well-meaning individuals. At first, you might regard these as harsh criticisms but a closer look will reveal helpfulness and, to be honest, truth they contain. If others want to help by offering positive suggestions that can truly help or benefit you, then let them say whatever they wish. Its all intended to help you, after all.


summary aries weekly

Star 7/10

Where you might have believed your thoughts, opinions or input werent being taken seriously by certain others, events this week could bring a helpful and timely change to that. Your ability to express ideas in a creative and potentially innovative way is being heightened and this could be precisely whats needed to take a plan, project or arrangement to a very new level. You have something very worthy of contributing this week so dont be afraid to speak up.


summary aries monthly

Star 8/10

Whatever has been vague or ill-defined due to lack of communication or miscommunication becomes clearer as May unfolds. This has as much to do with what youve been telling yourself as it does what youve been trying to convey to others. New levels of understanding and agreement can be achieved and reached, whether this involves repairing a relationship or becoming clear about what your next move must be regarding an aspiration close to your heart. Tender moments on offer will make up for any tension experienced recently.


health aries daily

Star 7/10

When sleep is good, so is the rest of life, generally speaking! Every now and then we need to adjust our sleeping habits consciously so that we are insured of good rest. You may need a new bed! You may need new pillows or sheets or something warmer or something cooler. Strive to perfect your sleeping area. Everything should be as you like it. This is one area of life that should not be economized: rest is paramount.


health aries tomorrow

Star 7/10

You need to have a lot of room in which to express your desire for balance in your life. Start by getting rid of the clutter in your life. Clean out your closet, your kitchen cupboards, your bathroom cabinet. Get rid of all the excess baggage you\re carrying around. This applies to your mental and physical selves, as well. You need to feel \"free\" - whatever that means to you. Focus on letting go of dead weight - wherever you find it.


health aries weekly

Star 8/10

You digest ideas and concepts as well as food. Some may be more easily assimilated than others. If you\re taking the time to research issues associated with your well-being, go to a source you trust, one that feels right. Make sure that the next batch of ideas you consume really suits you. You\ll find it easier to incorporate them into your life.


health aries monthly

Star 7/10

If you\ve experienced ups and downs regarding your health, things can begin to look more positive from May 3. You may still benefit from taking a cautious approach during the month\s first two weeks, as certain powerful aspects could coincide with a tendency to have minor accidents. Avoid driving or working machinery if you\re feeling emotional or distracted. The Sun in nurturing Taurus can also encourage you to look after yourself and treasure the body you\ve been given. It needs proper feeding, adequate rest, and good exercise. If you can supply all of these, it will reward you.


love aries daily

Star 8/10

If you have recently become involved in a new relationship, the current planetary alignment will help you to realize what an adventure this is. You have only just begun to get to know each other, and are already excited about what you have discovered. You may be prompted to undertake a project that will combine both your skills and give you even more to look forward to.


love aries tomorrow

Star 10/10

Today\s astral configuration encourages a loved one to play a trick on you, perhaps to test just how faithful you really are when tempted to stray from the straight and narrow path. The best advice is to keep awake and alert, and to deal with anything that may seem strangely suspicious in an honorable and praiseworthy manner. Don\t be led into any traps; have the last laugh yourself.


love aries weekly

Star 10/10

When did your love life become gossip worthy? You hear things at the start of the week that you assumed would be kept private between you and an ex, which makes it fairly obvious that someone has been blabbing. Don\t make any assumptions going forward. Some unexpected emotions surface later in the week, and the longer you put off dealing with them the worse off you\ll be. Facing the truth can actually set you free.


love aries monthly

Star 7/10

All of the pressure you\ve been feeling to say exactly the right thing lifts when Mercury\s retrograde ends on May 3. Look for communications to be less strained, benefiting your love life tremendously. Mercury leaves your speedy sign for slow-moving Taurus on May 16, and while this doesn\t present the same level of problem as a retrograde, you\ll have to adapt to being more logical and careful in your communication than you\d like. The Moon passes through Aries on May 22 and May 23, and all systems are go. If a new romance doesn\t take off now, it may ever happen.


career aries daily

Star 8/10

How about implementing a new strategy in your financial life. You could be researching some investments on the Internet. You might decide to arrange money in a new way with your mutual funds. This is a good time to take stock of your financial goals and try something new.


career aries tomorrow

Star 7/10

Situations are finally turning around in your favor. Other people are seeing things through your eyes, and this is helping to create a much greater understanding between you and the people you work with. Just be yourself and the rewards will come.


career aries weekly

Star 10/10

You\ll need to be patient. The prevailing energy can block or work at cross-purposes to what you hope to accomplish. Potential problems and blind spots mean you need to keep checking with co-workers or customers to be sure everyone is on the same page. Be very honest. There\s no point making things seem better than they are. If you\re falling behind, say so. Extra training helps support a more positive outcome.


career aries monthly

Star 7/10

A royalty check or expense payment could arrive on May 10, causing you to breathe a sigh of relief. Money should flow more freely during the second half of May. If you\re given a choice between taking a salary and earning a commission this month, choose the former. You\ll easily outperform the competition, earning a series of rewards in the process. On May 25, you\ll get excellent news concerning a partnership that has been in the works. Gaining an investor will take a great deal of weight off your shoulders. And not only that, but you\ll work very well with this newcomer.

relative; text-transform: uppercase; vertical-align: baseline; width: auto;"> career aries weekly

Star 10/10

You\ll need to be patient. The prevailing energy can block or work at cross-purposes to what you hope to accomplish. Potential problems and blind spots mean you need to keep checking with co-workers or customers to be sure everyone is on the same page. Be very honest. There\s no point making things seem better than they are. If you\re falling behind, say so. Extra training helps support a more positive outcome.


career aries monthly

Star 7/10

A royalty check or expense payment could arrive on May 10, causing you to breathe a sigh of relief. Money should flow more freely during the second half of May. If you\re given a choice between taking a salary and earning a commission this month, choose the former. You\ll easily outperform the competition, earning a series of rewards in the process. On May 25, you\ll get excellent news concerning a partnership that has been in the works. Gaining an investor will take a great deal of weight off your shoulders. And not only that, but you\ll work very well with this newcomer.



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